upcoming  events

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:19

Below are some of the ways to get involved and serve at St. Andrew's and in our community.
Want to receive this information to your inbox?  Sign up to receive Tower Notes weekly newsletter at this LINK.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Resumes February 19th 6:15PM
The group will be doing a
line-by-line Gary Hamrick
study of the book of Ruth.

Cross Mountain Men's Gathering

Thursday, February 20th 9:30AM
RSVP to Pastor Anthony Argueta
at aargueta@standrews09.org or
(425)293-2602. Directions will be
sent after  RSVP is confirmed.

Men's Retreat Lone Hollow Ranch

Weekend of February 28th - March 2nd
This will be a Young Life-style retreat
at LoneHollow Ranch in Utopia, Texas.
Click on the graphic for more information
and registration links.

St. Andrew's Growth Track

Sunday, February 2nd 12:15PM
If you are ready to take the next step
and join the church, click on the graphic
to sign up for the next membership class.

This is the Knight!

Thursday, March 6th 6:00-9:00PM
Come celebrate our school and all that
is happening there. Show your support
at this special annual fundraiser!
Click on the graphic to RSVP.

Serve Saturday at Westlawn

Saturday, March 8th at 7:30AM
St. Andrew's has been asked to
return to Westlawn this month
and help with food distribution.
Click on the link to sign-up.

Children's & Family Ministry

Throughout the year
If you would like to help with children
and family events like the Church Picnic,
Daddy Daughter Dance, Live Nativity,
or help with Sunday children's programs,
click on the graphic and let us know.

Get Connected

St. Andrew's Church & School
Click on the graphic to
make sure we have your
current contact information.

New Semester of Small Groups

Life is better in a Small Group!
Click on the graphic to
find your place to plug-in.
Interest Form
Interest Form 

St. Andrew's Dream Teams

Be a part of something bigger!
Click on the graphic to
find your to serve.